
Shota Ichihashi

Bank of Canada

Daisuke Ikeda

Bank of Japan

I am a senior economist at the Bank of Japan. My research interest is monetary economics, banking, and financial crises.

Svetlana Ikonnikova

TUM School of Management

Svetlana Ikonnikova is the Associate Professor for Resource Economics at the TUM School of Management with interests in energy markets, energy transition, and technological solutions leading to the economically affordable and environmentally sustainable future. Prof. Ikonnikova also holds the position of the Senior Energy Economist at the Center for Energy Economics, the University of Texas at Austin, working on the questions of global energy supply capabilities and international energy trade.

Hannah Illing

Institute for Employment Research, IAB

Taisuke Imai

LMU Munich

I am an assistant professor at LMU Munich. Before joining LMU Munich in 2017, I was a Postdoctoral Scholar in Behavioral and Experimental Economics at California Institute of Technology, where I received Ph.D. in Social Science in 2016.

My research interests are in microeconomic theory, decision theory, behavioral economics, and experimental economics.

Blanka Imre

Bocconi University, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies

Luigi Iovino

Bocconi University

Nagore Iriberri

University of the Basque Country

Andreas Irmen

Fedor Iskhakov