Phillip Heiler
Aarhus University, Aarhus BSS, Department of Economics and Business Economics, CREATES, TrygFonden's Centre for Child ResearchJanko Heineken
Universitat Pompeu FabraSander Heinsalu
Yuval Heller
Bar-Ilan UniversityMy research focuses on game theory; especially evolutionary game theory, social learning, bounded rationality, games with pre-play communication, and evolutionary foundations of economic behavior.
Lukas Hensel
Peking University and University of OxfordFaculty track post-doctoral researcher at Peking University and visiting researcher at the University of Oxford.
Gero Henseler
University of HamburgHenning Hermes
NHH BergenVictor Hernandez Martinez
Federal Reserve Bank of ClevelandResearch Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland