
Evgeny Yakovlev

Yuichi Yamamoto

David Yanagizawa-Drott

University of Zürich

David Y. Yang

Harvard University

Biao Yang

Bocconi University

I am a 5th year PhD student in Finance and Economics at Bocconi University. I work on climate finance and asset pricing.

Yang Yang

Nanjing University

My research interest are applied microeconomic theory and industrial organization, especially applications on consumer behavior, information, and market competition in digital markets.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial Organization at the Toulouse School of Economics and I will join the School of Business, Nanjing Univerisity as a tenure-track assistant professor in 2021.

Shafaat Yar Khan

World Bank

Shafaat Yar Khan is an Economist at East Asia and Pacific Chief Economist Research Center. His research interests include International Trade Policy and Development. His work has focused on the dynamic effects of trade policy changes, and on the productivity-enhancing effects of trade reforms. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Rochester (2020).

Alexander Yarkin

Brown University

I'm a rising 5th year Economics PhD Student at Brown University. I do research in Political Economy, Growth and Development, Culture, Migration, and Economic History.

Yosuke Yasuda

Yuta Yasui

Kochi University of Technology

Research Interest:
Industrial Organization, Microeconomics

Professional Appointments:
2021-present Kochi University of Technology, School of Economics & Management (Assistant Professor)

2015-2021 University of California, Los Angeles (Ph.D in Economics, June 2021)
2012-2015 The University of Tokyo (Master of Economics, March 2014)
2008-2012 Hokkaido University (Bachelor of Economics, March 2012)