
Mu Zhang

Princeton University

I'm a sixth-year graduate student in Economics at Princeton University. My research interest lies in Decision Theory, Behavioral Economics and Market Design. I will be on the job market 2021-2022.

Mengbo Zhang

Lina Zhang

University of Amsterdam

I am an Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Economics Section at University of Amsterdam, School of Economics, Netherlands. My primary research interests include the identification and inference problems in studying treatment effects and program evaluation.

Leifu Zhang

Chicago Booth

Weilong Zhang

David Zhang

Anthony Lee Zhang

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Shengxin Zhang

London School of Economics

Jun Zhao

The University of Alabama

My name is Jun Zhao (I also go by Bean). I am an assistant professor in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies at the University of Alabama. My research interests lie in Microeconometrics, Empirical Industrial Organization, and Political Economy. In my job market paper, I develop a two-stage contest model with entry and also a model for voters to study the effects of campaign spending on electoral outcomes given endogenous candidate entry in the U.S. Senate elections.

Jiaxin Zhao

University of Oxford

Jiaxin is a Research Associate at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford. His research interests include the economic effects of environmental policy and the economics of welfare.