
Mariana Zerpa

University of Leuven

Assistant Professor, University of Leuven
IZA Research Affiliate

Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg

Humboldt University of Berlin

I am Post-Doctoral Researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin since Fall 2020. My field of research is Macroeconomics, where I focus on International and Monetary Economics as well as Finance.

Hongsong Zhang

University of Hong Kong

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and the Associate Director for the Institute for China and Global Development at HKU. My research interests cover empirical industrial organization, international trade, and applied microeconomics, with a focus on how firms’ competitiveness in productivity, supplier network, and demand affects firm performance in the domestic and international markets.

Mu Zhang

Princeton University

I'm a sixth-year graduate student in Economics at Princeton University. My research interest lies in Decision Theory, Behavioral Economics and Market Design. I will be on the job market 2021-2022.

Mengbo Zhang

David Zhang

Weilong Zhang

Lina Zhang

University of Amsterdam

I am an Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Economics Section at University of Amsterdam, School of Economics, Netherlands. My primary research interests include the identification and inference problems in studying treatment effects and program evaluation.

Leifu Zhang

Chicago Booth

Anthony Lee Zhang

University of Chicago Booth School of Business