
Kevin Lansing

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Bruno Lanz

University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Neuchâtel, external faculty at MIT CEEPR and MIT Joint Program

Benjamin Larin

University of St.Gallen

I am an International Postdoc Fellow at the University of St.Gallen and the Swiss Institute for Empirical Economic Research. I am also a research affiliate at the Globalization of Real Estate Network, CUREM, at the University of Zurich. My research focuses broadly on macroeconomics. I am particularly interested in asset prices, household finance, housing, and wealth inequality.

Tomas Larroucau

Arizona State University

I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at Arizona State University. I work at the intersection between Empirical Market design, Economics of Education, and Labor Economics. My current research focuses on how dynamic considerations and imperfect information can change the performance of assignment mechanisms and affect agents' outcomes. My research has contributed to redesigning the Chilean centralized College Admissions system, improving its efficiency and equity.

Birthe Larsen

Copenhagen Business School

Anne Sophie Lassen

Copenhagen Business School

I'm a third year PhD student at the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business. My main interests lie in applied microeconomics with a special focus on gender and labor economics.

Andrea Lassmann

University of Mainz

Andrea has joined the University of Mainz as Professor of International Economic Policy in 2020. Prior to that, she worked at the OECD and ETH Zurich, where she also obtained her PhD. Her research fields are international and public economics, and she is particularly interested in examining the role of languages in a globalized world.

Povilas Lastauskas

Stephan Lauermann

Sara Lazzaroni

University of Bologna

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy.
I work on questions in economic history, political economy, and economic development, with an emphasis on the role of culture and institutions, and the use of original historical sources. My research has been concerned with a diverse set of topics including migration and the transmission of political ideologies between Italy and Argentina, anthe legacy of medieval republican/autocratic experiences for attitudes towards the state.