
Esther Mbih

Andrew McClellan

University of Chicago Booth

Brendon McConnell

University of Southampton

Brett McCully

Collegio Carlo Alberto

Fabrizia Mealli

University of Florence

Paolina Medina

Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor of Finance doing research on Household Finance and Behavioral Economics.

Sultan Mehmood

New Economic School

I am a professor of Economics (tenure-track) at the New Economic School in Moscow and project lead at the World Bank's DE JURE (Data and Evaluation for Justice Reform) program.

I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Paris in October 2019. I was also a postdoctoral fellow at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona from 2019-2020. Previously, I completed my education from Tilburg University in the Netherlands.

Mishita Mehra

Grinnell College

Pascal Meichtry

University of Lausanne

I am a PhD candidate in economics at the University of Lausanne (HEC).

My research interests lie in monetary economics and applied macroeconometrics. In particular, my work focuses on the role of household heterogeneity for the transmission of monetary policy. I am also interested in the effects of unconventional policy measures on inequality and the macroeconomy.

Jean-Marie Meier