
Vladyslav Nora

Lukas Nord

European University Institute

Antti Norkio

University of Vaasa

I am a PhD candidate in the University of Vaasa. My research considers intangible capital, firm financing, and high growth firms. Additionally, my areas of interest are financial markets, business development, commerce, and innovations.

Milda Norkutė

Laura Nowzohour

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

I am a PhD candidate in International Economics at the Graduate Institute Geneva. My research interests lie at the intersection of macro, finance and environmental economics. In my papers, I have utilized both theoretical models as well as text mining and econometric techniques to investigate e.g. how environmental policy uncertainty affects firms. Having interned at the IMF, the ECB and the DIW econ, I am motivated by research questions relevant for a more equitable economy.

Dennis Nsafoah

University of Calgary

Galo Nuno

Banco de España

Galo Nuño is Head of the Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Analysis Division at the Bank of Spain. His research focuses on monetary economics, macrofinance and computational methods. In particular, he has developed, with different coauthors, some new theoretical and numerical techniques for the study of continuous-time heterogeneous-agent models, including the analysis of optimal policies and the solution and estimation of nonlinear models with aggregate shocks. His research has been published i

Karine Nyborg

University of Oslo

Professor, Department of Economics, U of Oslo. Mostly environmental economics, behavioral economics, analysis of social and moral norms - but other stuff as well. Experiments, theory.