Mar Reguant
Northwestern UniversityMar Reguant
Northwestern UniversityMar Reguant is an Associate Professor at Northwestern University. She works in the area of industrial organization with a focus on energy and environmental markets. In her work, she uses high-frequency data to examine the performance of electricity markets as well as public policies to decarbonize our economies.
Ágoston Reguly
Central European UniversityI am finishing my PhD in Economics at the Department of Economics and Business at Central European University. My main research interests are in econometrics: policy evaluation with machine learning techniques and optimal survey designs. Currently, I am working on a paper with causal trees and bandwidth selection. Also, I have taught multiple courses at CEU such as data analysis or mathematics. Before CEU I have worked for more than three years at the Hungarian Government Debt Management Agency.
Yannick Reichlin
Timo Reinelt
University of MannheimRicardo Reis
London School of EconomicsRicardo Reis is the A.W. Phillips Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, and stis on advisory councils of many central banks. Recent honors include the Jahnsson award, the Bernacer prize, and the BdF/TSE prize. His main areas of research are inflation, expectations, central banks, monetary policy, fiscal transfers, automatic stabilizers, sovereign-bond backed securities, and the role of capital misallocation in the European slump and crisis.
Sarah Reiter
ifo InstituteI am a PhD candidate in Economics at the ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. My research aims at understanding how people make financial decisions. I am particularly interested in the factors influencing these decisions, namely in the role of financial literacy, social norms, cognitive biases, and expectations.
Kevin Remmy
Toulouse School of EconomicsLaëtitia Renée
McGill UniversityI’m a Ph.D. candidate at McGill University. I am an applied microeconomist with research interests in education, labor, and development economics. In my job market paper, I study the impact of financial support and career education on the socio-economic gap in college enrollment and graduation.
Tobias Renkin
Danmarks NationalbankI am a Senior Research Economist at Danmarks Nationalbank. My research interests are in applied macroeconomics and labor economics.