
Seth Richards-Shubik

Lehigh University

Kilian Rieder

Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Eurosystem) & CEPR

I am a lead research economist at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Eurosystem) and a research affiliate of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). My research interests are in economic history, macroeconomics and monetary economics. I obtained my PhD (2018) from Oxford University.

Alexandros Rigos

Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm) and Lund University

I am a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm). My current research uses theory and lab experiments to study how limited (e.g. imprecise) cognition affects equilibrium outcomes and the evolution of preferences in strategic environments.

Alexander Rodivilov

School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor

Tomás Rodríguez

Universidad de los Andes

I am a microeconomist, with applied and theoretical interests working on social networks and game theory.

Jose V. Rodriguez Mora

University of Edinburgh

Pau Roldan-Blanco

Banco de España

Davide Romelli

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Davide Romelli is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is also a Research affiliate of IM-TCD (International Macro-TCD) and SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum and a Fellow of the BAFFI-CAREFIN centre, Bocconi University. His research focuses on international finance and macroeconomics, central banking and financial supervision. Davide holds a PhD in Economics from ESSEC Business School and THEMA-University of Cergy-Pontoise. More information on hi