
Melinda Suveg

Uppsala University, Research Institute of Industrial Economics

I am a finishing Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Uppsala University with a research interest in Macroeconomics, Firm Dynamics and Monetary Policy. My current projects focus on firms' price setting behavior and firm heterogeneity in quantitative models. I enjoy using both microeconometric and quantitative models in my research. I will start my tenure track in September 2021 at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

Yuta Suzuki

Pennsylvania State University

Ph.D. student at Penn State.

Research interests:
Spatial Economics, Population Aging, and Trade Policy

Jonathan Swarbrick

University of St Andrews

Nicolas Syrichas

Goethe University

I am a Ph.D. candidate in economics, a member of the Frankfurt Quantitative Macro group, and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB). I hold a master's degree in economics from University College London and from Toulouse School of Economics. Before moving to Goethe university, I worked for three years at the European Central Bank (ECB). I mainly study questions related to income distribution, financial economics and development economics.

Nora Szech

Michal Szkup

University of British Columbia

Graduated from the New York University in 2014.
Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia since August 2014.
Research interests: International Macroeconomics and Game Theory.
My research focuses on the role of financial frictions and coordination frictions in determining individuals' decisions and macroeconomic outcomes.

Martin Szydlowski