
Razvan Vlaicu

Inter-American Development Bank

Senior economist in the Research Department at the Inter-American Development Bank. Research interests: public economics and political economics. Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University. Taught economics at the University of Maryland, and held short-term positions at the Kellogg School of Management and the World Bank. Publications in: Review of Economic Studies, American Political Science Review, Journal of International Economics, and Journal of Public Economics.

Lukas Vogel

DG ECFIN, European Commission

Principal Economist, DG ECFIN, European Commission

Alessio Volpicella

University of Surrey

Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden

University of Mannheim

Allen Vong

University of Macau

Johannes Wacks

University of Mannheim

Matthew Walker

Durham University

I work in the field of experimental economics, with research interests in auctions and procurement, trust and fairness. My work intersects with behavioural operations management, in particular on behavioural supply chain contracting.

In September 2021, I will join Newcastle University as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics.

William Waller

Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business

William Waller is an assistant professor of finance at Tulane University's A.B. Freeman School of Business. Waller's research explores the interaction between macroeconomic factors, financial markets and asset prices. In addition to publishing articles in The Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, his research has received an Inquire Europe Research Grant. Waller received a PhD in finance from the University of North Carolina in 2015.

Luisa Wallossek

LMU Munich

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at LMU Munich. My main research interests are public economics and family economics. I use empirical methods to understand how individual behavior affects the effective outcomes of public policy.

Conor Walsh